A complete page on weather instruments, their inventors, uses and types of climatic lines from Lead the Competition. They are lines on a map connecting places of equal atmospheric pressure. Isotherms. They are lines on a map connecting places of same mean daily duration of sunshine.Grade 9 Atmosphere. Line on a weather map connecting areas of equal air pressure is called an Isobar .More generally, a contour line for a function of two variables is a curve connecting points where the More accurately, isobars are lines drawn on a map joining places of equal average atmospheric Isallobars are lines joining points of equal pressure change during a specific time interval.[22] These...These places are connected by the lines. It is an important feature of weather map that helps a map reader to understand the atmospheric Each line is marked a certain number that represents the amount of pressure existing in that area. The closer arrangement of isobars indicates a greater...Weather maps summarize weather info on a geographic frame of reference. Present weather - Maps that are created from current (or recent past) weather observations are called Analysis Maps. Isobars connect lines of equal pressure. They are the curved lines shown in brown on this map.
Line on a weather map connecting areas of equal air pressure
A weather map is a map that displays a variety of meteorological features to be used in research It includes isobars (line of constant or equal pressure) which show areas of low pressure or high On a weather map a front occurs when two different air masses meet. A cold front is marked by the color...Lines connecting the places of equal pressure are called (a) Isobars (b) Isohyets (c) Isotherms (d) Isohels. They help in locating and identifying different air ' masses, pressure systems, fronts and areas of precipitation. Question 6. When and why was first weather map drawn?A:Contour lines B:isotachs C:isotherms D:isobars. bar as in barometric pressure. What is the longest distance between any two place on earth?Icon of the game Codycross © Fanatee, Inc. Key points : We have solved this clue.. Just below the answer, you will be guided to the complete puzzle. Striving for the right answers? Lucky You! You are in the right place and time to meet your ambition.

Contour line - Wikipedia
Isobar definition, a line drawn on a weather map or chart that connects points at which the barometric pressure is the same. The isobars are generated from mean sea level pressure reports and the pressure values are given in millibars. Answer verified by Toppr.There are several lines on weather maps, such as isobars which connect points of equal air pressure and isotherms which connect points of By examining the lines it is possible to determine the likely weather patterns in the future. The study of weather patterns is called meteorology, and is...A weather map shows weather conditions for a certain area. The map may show the actual weather on a given day. This weather map shows air pressure contours. Lines of equal pressure. isotherms. Lines that connect places with the same temperature.Weather graphic. Weathermap line. Line on a weather map. < Prev 1 2 Next >.Surface weather maps show air temperature recorded at official stations. Depending on a map's purpose, it may display the current On generalized maps, the barometric pressure is summarized into a contour map: lines connecting points of equal pressure, called isobars, curve across the map.
ch Thirteen practice test
Multiple Choice
1. Standard sea level pressure in millibars is
a. 750 mb
b. 890 mb
c. 1013 mb
d. 1143 mb
2. Standard sea stage pressure in inches of mercury is __________.
a. 7.fifty two inches
b. 14.70 inches
c. 28.70 inches
d. 29.92 inches
3. The mercurial barometer was once invented via __________.
a. Torricelli
b. Galileo
c. Newton
d. Watt
4. Which of these instruments is NOT used to measure air pressure?
a. mercurial barometer
b. aneroid barometer
c. barograph
d. anemometer
5. An altimeter is an adaptation of the __________.
a. mercurial barometer
b. aneroid barometer
c. barograph
d. anemometer
6. The power that generates wind is __________.
a. Coriolis power
b. gravity power
c. centrifugal force
d. pressure gradient force
7. Which of those elements influence the magnitude of the Coriolis drive?
a. wind velocity
b. latitude
c. wind route
d. each wind speed and latitude
8. Lines on a weather map connecting places of equal air pressure are called __________.
a. isovectors
b. isobars
c. isotherms
d. isogrids
9. Closely spaced isobars frequently indicate __________.
a. high winds
b. variable winds
c. gentle winds
d. cyclonic winds
10. A steep pressure gradient __________.
a. can be depicted by way of extensively spaced isobars
b. produces strong winds
c. is simplest conceivable in the tropics
d. produces light winds
11. Widely spaced isobars often point out __________.
a. prime winds
b. variable winds
c. light winds
d. cyclonic winds
12. The Coriolis impact influences __________.
a. most effective wind velocity
b. best wind course
c. both wind speed and wind course
d. neither wind pace nor wind route
13. In the Northern Hemisphere, the winds related to a low pressure system (cyclone) blow __________.
a. clockwise and toward the center
b. counterclockwise and towards the center
c. clockwise and outward from the center
d. counterclockwise and outward from the middle
14. In the Northern Hemisphere, winds associated with a prime pressure device blow __________.
a. clockwise and towards the middle
b. counterclockwise and toward the center
c. clockwise and outward from the middle
d. counterclockwise and outward from the middle
15. If Earth were not rotating __________.
a. it could lose its environment
b. air would move at once from top to low pressure
c. all air would transfer in a single direction only
d. friction can be eradicated
16. Upper air winds __________.
a. are usually quicker than surface winds
b. are unaffected by means of the Coriolis drive
c. are very much influenced via friction
d. both a. and b
17. High air pressure methods are most often associated with __________.
a. diverging winds
b. descending air
c. clear weather
d. all of these
18. Low air pressure systems are normally associated with __________.
a. diverging winds
b. descending air
c. precipitation
d. clear weather
19. In the Southern Hemisphere, the winds associated with a low pressure gadget blow __________.
a. clockwise and toward the middle
b. counterclockwise and toward the center
c. clockwise and outward from the center
d. counterclockwise and outward from the middle
20. If "fair" weather is approaching, the pressure tendency would almost definitely be __________.
a. secure
b. rising
c. falling
d. none of these
21. If stormy weather is approaching, the pressure tendency would almost certainly be __________.
a. secure
b. emerging
c. falling
d. none of these
22. Most of the United States is situated in which zone of prevailing winds?
a. business winds
b. subpolar easterlies
c. westerlies
d. doldrums
23. Another title for the world of subtropical highs is __________.
a. subpolar easterlies
b. westerlies
c. doldrums
d. horse latitudes
24. The Sahara and Australian deserts (among others) are related to the __________.
a. subtropical top
b. equatorial low
c. subpolar low
d. subpolar low
25. This pressure zone is related to abundant precipitation and heat temperatures.
a. subtropical prime
b. equatorial low
c. subpolar low
d. subpolar low
26. The subpolar low (polar entrance) is
a. a zone the place the trade winds meet
b. the ahead edge of the Antarctic ice cap
c. a zone the place the polar easterlies and the westerlies converge
d. the boundary between frozen and liquid
27. When are higher air winds quickest?
a. in summer season
b. in iciness
c. on every occasion the temperature gradient is susceptible
d. these winds take care of more or less the similar speeds throughout the 12 months
28. A Santa Ana (or Chinook or Foehn) wind is a __________.
a. wind associated with a blizzard
b. cold, damp wind blowing off a snow field
c. wind that is common to the arena's deserts
d. very dry, warm wind flowing down a mountain slope
29. A sea breeze usually originates throughout the __________.
a. night time and flows toward the land
b. day and flows towards the land
c. night and flows towards the water
d. day and flows towards the water
30. A land breeze typically originates all over the __________.
a. night and flows toward the land
b. day and flows towards the land
c. evening and flows towards the water
d. day and flows towards the water
31. Fast shifting currents of air found near the most sensible of the troposphere are called __________.
a. mesocyclones
b. chinooks
c. jet streams
d. El NiƱo
32. What is the technical identify for a prime pressure middle?
a. cyclone
b. anticyclone
c. front
d. doldrums
1. c
2. d
3. a
4. d
5. b
6. d
7. d
8. b
9. a
10. b
11. c
12. b
13. b
14. c
15. b
16. a
17. d
18. c
19. a
20. b
21. c
22. c
23. d
24. a
25. b
26. c
27. b
28. d
29. b
30. c
31. c
32. b
The Air Around Us - Crossword Puzzle


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